How to become a VR developer

The VR industry is expanding at an incredible pace. With more and more opportunities in the field set to open over the next decade, it’s a great time to start building towards a career in VR game development.

Read on to learn about some of the different ways to break into this new and exciting field!

University Route

Step 1: Pursue a Relevant Degree

  • Begin by enrolling in a degree program related to computer science, game development, or interactive media design. Many universities now offer specialised programs in game design and development that cover essential topics ranging from programming to 3D modelling, providing a strong foundation in traditional game development but also pathways related to VR technology.

Step 2: Specialise in VR Development

  • As you progress through your degree, opt for modules and projects that focus on VR. Many programs now offer courses in VR development, where you can learn about VR hardware, software, and the unique design challenges of creating immersive VR experiences.

Step 3: Build a Portfolio

  • Use your course and personal projects to build a portfolio showcasing your VR development skills and progression. Include a variety of projects that demonstrate your ability to design and implement engaging VR experiences, ensuring that you provide evidence of improvement throughout your journey. This portfolio will be crucial when applying for internships and jobs.

Step 4: Gain Experience Through Internships

  • Apply for internships in game development companies that are working on VR projects. Internships provide invaluable hands-on experience and the opportunity to learn from established professionals in the field, and may even lead to longer term employment.


Step 1: Learn the Basics Online

  • Start by learning the fundamentals of programming (if you're not already familiar) through free or paid online courses. Languages like C# are essential, as they're commonly used in VR development, particularly with Unity, a popular game engine for VR games.

Step 2: Dive Into VR Development Courses

  • There are numerous online platforms offering courses specifically in VR development. These courses cover everything from the basics of VR technology to advanced topics like spatial audio and performance optimisation. Platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and Unity Learn provide comprehensive resources to get started.

Step 3: Join a Community

  • Join online forums and communities such as Reddit’s r/VRdev or the official Unity and Unreal Engine forums. These communities can offer support, feedback on projects, and insights into the VR industry. Participating in game jams focused on VR can also be a great way to challenge yourself and meet other developers.

Step 4: Build and Showcase Your Projects

  • Start working on your own VR projects as soon as possible. Learning by doing is incredibly effective in game development. Create a variety of VR experiences to showcase your skills and creativity. Make sure to document your projects and process on a personal website or portfolio platform.

Step 5: Contribute to Open Source Projects or Freelance

  • Gaining practical experience can also involve contributing to open source VR projects or taking on freelance VR development work. These experiences can help build your reputation and expand your portfolio.

Whether you choose the university route or decide to teach yourself, staying up-to-date with the latest VR technologies and trends is vital. The VR industry evolves rapidly, and continuous learning is key to success. Additionally, networking with other developers and professionals in the field can provide opportunities and insights that are invaluable for your career growth.

Becoming a VR game developer is a journey of continuous learning and creativity. Whether through formal education or self-directed learning, there are many paths to entering the field. Focus on building a strong foundation in game development, specialise in VR technologies, and create a portfolio that showcases your best work. With dedication and resilience, you’ll be able to carve out a successful career in VR game development.

Want to give VR a go? Book in now, or check out our full list of VR games and experiences via our Island Page


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